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BSE Electronic’s Participation in the Meeting on Reindustrialization: “With the Recovery Plan as well as various incentives from both Europe and the State, or the Regions, the industrial sector is gaining strength and momentum. The stakes are significant: relocating the most strategic industrial productions; reducing the carbon footprint of products; ensuring the ecological, energy, and environmental transition of the industry, as well as providing virtuous equipment to other economic sectors (transport, construction, energy, agriculture…).

To succeed in the revival of industrial activity, how can local businesses be assisted in recruiting the skills they need in the face of labor shortages? How can our territory better mobilize to guide and support job seekers or young people in training towards employment?

How can we make reindustrialization an opportunity to develop the economy of the territory, reduce unemployment among local workers on one hand, and welcome qualified individuals from other regions on the other?”

La French Fab | Saône-et-Loire Department of Saône-et-Loire Urban Community of Creusot Montceau Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Region Industrial Territories Marc BALUSSAUD Sandrine LONAK